Here is the translated and modified version with "" instead of "": ```php Documentation » Universal XML Feed Export

Universal XML Feed Export

The universal feed provides data formatted in XML with options for selecting fields, XML tags, date limits for records by days or specific date, and record limits per request.


The feed service requires prior registration to identify the source of requests and provide special handling of results. For identification, the URL must receive a partner variable that identifies the partnership.
For example, ?partner=example
Request identification for free at

Base feed URL:

Default consumption URL:

The consumption URL should look like this: (test)
This example has a default limit of 12 records.

Customizing results

The feed can be customized with the following fields:


To choose fields, use the variable fields with the desired fields separated by a single dash "-".

Example: fields=id-url-title-description-date-local
This example includes 'local' along with the mandatory fields which must still be declared when opting for customization.

Customizing labels (tags)

The tags that enclose the data can also be customized similarly with the tags variable.
Example: tags=jobid-link-title-description-date-city
Note: By default, the labels (tags) are the same as the fields. To specify them, they must be declared explicitly just like the fields because there should be no discrepancy in number between them.
Example combining field selection (fields) and labels (tags): (test)

Customizing the container element label

The container element is the one that "wraps" each individual record. It is important for feed control. Its label can be set with the variable called item. Just add, for example, item=element in the request URL. By default, its value is "job".

Choosing time limits

If the time limit is in days, use the days variable pointing to the number of days.
Example: days=5
If the approach is with a date limit, the format should be YYYY-mm-dd and the variable used should be date_limit.
Example: date_limit=2022-02-27.

Choosing record limits

To limit records, use the variable jobs_limit with an integer value.
Example: jobs_limit=12
