Exhibitions and Commons Director

Job Expired

EXHIBITIONS AND COMMONS DIRECTOR, School of Architecture & Planning (SA+P), to helm an exciting set of spaces known as “the commons”, the newest of which has been carved out of the redesigned Metropolitan Storage Warehouse on MIT’s campus. The commons is envisioned as an assembly of curated physical sites and a set of related programs with a primary focus on architecture, design, urbanism, art, and technology. Will engage faculty, students, and administrators to budget, fundraise, develop, and install lively architectural, urbanist, and artistic displays to be experienced by a range of audiences, including the general public. Will collaborate with SA+P faculty to plan and mount exhibits or installations in the commons, including approximately three exhibitions per year in the main gallery and four to five smaller installations in distributed spaces; contribute to the faculty-led vision for exhibits and serve as the expert on implementing that vision; help plan long-term budget goals and manage budgets and expenditures; engage in grant-writing and other fundraising activities; assemble and direct teams of vendors, students, and others to design, fabricate, and install exhibitions; solicit and manage exhibit proposals and selection processes; and encourage collaboration between SA+P units, faculty, and students.A full description is available here.

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