T h e F i e ld S e r v ice E ng i n e e r re p o rts t o t h e Oper a ti o n s M a n a g er a n d m u s t b e f a m iliar w i t h a v ar i e t y o f t h e fi e l d ’ s c o ncep t s, p ract i c e s a n d p r o ced u r e s. A w i d e d egr e e o f cr e at i v ity a n d latitu d e is e xp ect e d t o h elp d e v e l o p a n d cr e a t e n ew se r v ic e s / p r o du cts. What do you know about our organization?* Where do you see yourself in three years?* How did you find this job opening?* Why do you want to work for our company?* What about this role interests you?* What is your ideal work environment?* What are you looking for in your next job?* What are your salary expectations?* Do you have a TWIC card?* yes no When would you be able to start?* In what areas are you knowledgeable?* What are your strengths?* Are you willing to work both offshore and dockside?* The following questions are entirely optional. To comply with government Equal Employment Opportunity and/or Affirmative Action reporting regulations, we are requesting (but NOT requiring) that you enter this personal data. This information will not be used in connection with any employment decisions, and will be used solely as permitted by state and federal law. Your voluntary cooperation would be appreciated. Learn more .
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- Address Port Fourchon, LA